
February 25, 2013
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Gymnastics Warm-Up – Day 1 12 Minute AMRAP for Quality: Level 1: 10 Ring Pushups 10 Sec Tripod 3 Handstand kick up attempts 10 Sumo Deadlift w/ Kettlebell 10 Superman Raises Level 2: 5 Handstand Pushup (With or without Wall assistance) 10 Sec Frog stand or Tuck Planche 10 Pistols (Alterating...
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Alex gives some lessons: Life is about the choices we make; right or wrong, they add up to the lessons we learn along way. We learn from the wrong choices, and build upon the right ones.  The lesson: You will never know until you try.  Seems like common sense right?! Not always.  Sometimes fear, ego,...
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